Disaster Process Engineering




日本の国際競争力再生への途 2つの新研究領域の進展
主催 一般財団法人生産技術研究奨励会 共催 東京大学生産技術研究所
国土交通大学校 特別課程 平成30年度水害に対する危機管理能力向上研修 講師
参加者募集 災害対応トレーニングに関する国際シンポジウム (お陰様で無事に終了しました)
2016年熊本地震被害調査報告書 講習会で災害対応について説明します
熊本市 職員向けに講演をしました
国土交通省 横浜国道事務所 防災スキルアップ講座 講師
平成29年度「ひょうご防災リーダー講座」フォローアップ 講座
平成29年度熊本県防災・危機管理トップセミナー 講師「災害対応プロセスから読み解く災害対応原論について」
日本技術士会情報工学部会 講師「これからの防災を考える ~日本の災害対応の現状と課題を踏まえた災害対応トレーニングセンターのあるべき姿~」
Visit to University of Dhaka in Dhaka
Renewal of lab web site
Visit to YTU in Yangon
Visit to BNPB in Jakarta


- 熊本地震の検証報告書 (2016 Kummoto earthquake disaster response report)
- 静岡新聞の連載記事(Shizuoka newspaper colum)


BOSS (BOSai System, Business Operation Support System)

BOSS (BOSai System, Business Operation Support System) in Kumamoto prefecture
BOSS in Kumamoto prefecture BOSS in Kumamoto prefecture

Myanmar SATREPS project for disaster management group
Myanmar Disaster management process
Earthquake simulation
Earthquake simulation Myanmar
Earthquake Information from USGS
Inundation in Myanmar
Total Process of disaster management


For students: If you are intereseted in our lab. Please contact us.

About "Disaster Process Engineering" Lab  防災プロセス工学

Disaster Process Engineering is the basic dicipline to manage the total disaster. Numada lab. focus on the disaster responses research in the total disaster phase by technology and social science. By research about disaster reponses, we understand how much the mitigation and preparedness are important. Without mitigation and preparedness, huge volume of response works are required toword huge volume of structural damages.

This lab. belongs to the University of Tokyo,
Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) and
Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies (III).


This laboratory tackles disaster related problems from both side of engineering and social science. Engineering/ technology can not solve the problems without social science. The opposite is same.

Hard, Engineering

・Development of disaster management system by information technology
・Retrofit technology for Masonry Strucutres
・Numerical simulation of structures
・Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation for landslide
・Numerical model of landslide failure by Lagrangian Point Finite Difference Method (LPFDM)
・Monitoring the interection between ground and structures

Soft, Social Science

・Disaster process analysis
・Disaster Management Planning support system
・Evacuation information sharing system
・Disaster Medical Information system
・Mass media trend analysis system
・Runnning spectrum analysis of languages
・Disaster education

Research background

Connection between engineering and social science

Enginnering research provides the damage assessment results based on the hazard data created by scientists. Now we can access to many hazard maps and vulnerability map. The huge number of damages are shown in those maps. But, the responses are no strategy against for the damage volume. One possible reason is that the total framework of responses are not clear. Therefore, we can not calculate how many work load is needed for the responses. This laboratory try to create the response model to simulate the disaster responses.

Integrated disaster simulation model can be developed from the hazard simulation to the economical impact.

Target Phase


The motivation to this research is derived from the observed inefficiency in disaster response management in Japan.
Japan is an island surrounded by eight plate tectonic boundaries and therefore it suffers from a lot of earthquakes and other associated extreme waves. Despite Japan being a country susceptible to these natural disasters, it does not have a systematic and well integrated disaster response management system.

It is for this reason that this lab. has embarked on international case studies of successful disaster management response systems, such as Italian cases, American cases etc.
Our system has been developed for the assistant of disaster response processes. The information captured is used to develop disaster status maps that shall be used to estimate the damages immediately after a disaster occurrence. The aim of this system is to help in the development of strategies to adequately support the disaster affected persons.

To demonstrate the inefficiency or weak Japanese disaster response management system, we visited the headquarters in Mashiki town after the Kumamoto earthquake where a team consisting of representatives from the Municipal, Community, Prefecture, and government gathered to discuss the management of the disaster response after the earthquake. We consulted the participants on how they think this disaster can be managed. It was observed that none of the participants could give a clear direction or understanding on what could be done and what should be done. This was also a clear indication of significance of pursuing this research.

It is significantly reduction of death toll by natural disasters between 1960s and 1970s, this was due to the efforts that the government has been making to improve the mitigation system through research work. Several acts were passed in an effort to improve disaster response, in 1947 “the Disaster Relief Act”, 1961 “Disaster countermeasure Basic Act”, 1963 “Basic Disaster Prevention Plan (BDPP)” and 1995 the Revised Report of BDPP. Despite all these efforts a lot is desired to be done because the actual response is very poor as observed in the recent Kumamoto earthquake disaster. The disaster response team lacked clear understanding of adequately managing the disaster.
Relationship between damage asessment and responses
Decline of death toll by natural disaster

Understanding of information structures ca be illustrated as a triangle. The triangle showed that understanding of information starts with data collection with wider base, Information, knowledge through to wisdom at the tip. Using this graph, it is clear that Japanese system has full understanding of hardware which involves understanding of full record of information about damaged physical structures such as building, roads and bridges. The response to the “hardware” is the improvement in the design of structures against natural disasters.” According to the information extracted from the triangle, understanding of information for the “hardware” has almost reached “wisdom”. The biggest challenge is that very little progress has been made regarding the “software”. Software means the disaster response management in this research. A lot of data and information has been collected through disaster maps and other documents, but this information has not been used adequately to improve disaster response system as it was evidenced in the Kumamoto earthquake.
Understanding of Information


The challenge is how to define the response and optimization of workload needed for disaster response. There is no balance between the recoded information and use of the collected data and information for disaster response.

Therefore, the focus of the research is to simulate how the available data can be used to efficiently and adequately respond to a disaster occurrence such as tsunami, earthquake, floods, accidents and extreme weather conditions.
A developed system called BOSS (Bosai-Business Operation Support System) is being developed in this research to be used in determining appropriate response for a particular disaster occurrence.

Despite Japan being a country that experiences a lot of natural disasters, it does not have an efficient system of collecting information from disaster affected areas. BOSS has a system called COCOA (Communication, Co-ordinate and Actors in evacuation areas), this is an information collecting system that has been developed for collecting data from disaster affected areas and transmitting this information to evacuation centers.

The system will be such that, information on the number of expected evacuees is collected from the affected areas and submitted to the evacuation center and the information is conveyed to headquarters. COCOA also intends to use ”my number (personal ID)” that is issued to all Japanese residents to be used for the collection of information about the status of residents in an affected area.

BOSS intends to develop a phone application that can be used, so that information can easily be shared or submitted to evacuation centers. The other system is to use color codes, this is called “Tracy”. This system is used to determine the physical injury level or health condition of affected persons; green to represent good condition, yellow to represent moderate condition, red to represent serious condition and black to represent dead persons.
With this information, it is possible to locate adequate number of medical personnel for the victims and it is easy to identify which victims need immediate attention and the process is faster and efficient. After the information has been collected, data is compiled and availed to the public to allow family members to identify their relatives. This also provides a summary of how many deaths and injuries have been recorded after a disaster.

BOSS will also be used to determine how the information collected after a disaster can be used for planning evacuation, rescue, housing, transport, security, funding etc., and finally be used to suggest the appropriate response team such as government, company or residents.

BOSS will also be used to integrate information which includes; the nature of the disaster, the damage recorded, disaster response and its impact. Each of these components shall be done by separate specialized teams and finally be integrated by BOSS with a view of developing an efficient disaster response system.

Relationship between damage asessment and responses
Disaster response processes

500 processes

Using BOSS, 500 processes have been defined to analyze disaster responses. To illustrate how the response system works, we can explained that after the location of a disaster has been identified, social data and the damage data is also collected. Using the information collected on social data that includes population and human resource, workload, schedule and other necessary response requirements for a particular damage record is proposed using the BOSS system. After the information has been collected, the next step is how to manage the response system which may include evacuation, material logistics, human resource, dead bodies, temporary housing etc.

BOSS has developed information system which includes developing of a map for the damaged area using super computers and the maps are used to estimate the number of damaged structures to suggest the damage condition of the affected area. Using the estimated damage condition of the area, the workload response can be estimated. The workload is further broken down into smaller teams for a particular response category. Using the 500 response processes analyzed using BOSS, an optimized response system can be selected for a particular disaster occurrence. Part of the research by our lab is also to use BOSS for developing standardized disaster response systems to earthquakes, Tsunamis, Heavy rains etc. Disaster response analysis for 2011, great east Japan earthquake (Ishinomaki City and Yabuki), 2016, Kumamoto earthquake (Kumamo City) and 2015, Kanto-Tohoku Heavy rains (Joso City) disasters were carried out and it was observed that the input data for the response system was generally the same. Therefore, BOSS can be used for different types of disasters and an optimized response system can still be achieved. With this conclusion, a disaster response model has been developed with 48 response categories. The 500 response processes have been defined in 48 categories for process based disaster management.

Standardization of disaster response using BOSS

A model has been developed for response simulation. The model is able to calculate the workload required for evacuation, emergency rescue, food, materials or to reinstate the damaged building or any form of disaster damage. The model can also be used to estimate the reduction in workloads if any forms of mitigation measures are implemented in a particular area

Basic Principle, Real Trining, System

To ensure efficiency in the development of BOSS, we have been collaborating with other countries which have recorded significant success in disaster response management and compare their disaster response system with Japan. We observed that, Italy have experienced and specialized disaster response personnel and also have a data base for engineers specialized in disaster response, which is not the case with Japan. Another case was from America, it was observed that Americans have disaster training facilities and disaster standard framework while Japan has no real training facilities and does not have a standard framework for disaster management except for individual research work and discussions. Therefore, Japan has a lot to learn from other countries and it is for this reason that we have continued to collaborate with other countries in his research.

Background and Overview

■How we can manage the total disaster process during emergency phase
■Local governments are not enough/ no disaster management sprcialists

Both the recent series of intense natural disasters in Japan and the volatile armed conflict in other countries are characterized by their unpredictability and the random and widespread damage they inflict on infrastructure and human life.

As such, these realities offer opportunities for evaluating nation-wide mitigation strategies for disaster preparation, containment and recovery.
A hard-won crisis response and recovery formula states that often the most severely impacted areas remain without assistance because the other, less afflicted areas have a greater ability to call for help.
Similarly, the farther afield an area is from the center of the country, the longer it will take to fully recover.

Yet, disaster management plans in some countries, which detail the processes that must be followed in the aftermath of a major emergency, are conceived on separate state, prefectural/regional and municipal/local levels.
Accordingly, national governmental directives assign the municipal governments with the task of setting up and operating response and recovery centers for evacuated populations to receive immediate relief and be integrated into longer term recovery agendas.

Local area disaster management plans come as a document: a thick manual whose instructions remain abstract and poorly understood by local would-be disaster managers and their untrained personnel. Field reporting and the gathering and assessment of crucial information from the field is likewise a quasi-analogue process, and in Japan is quiet often carried out at shelters with pen and notebook. As previous incidents in the Kanto and Tokai areas laid bare, this problem is compounded when damage is inflicted in the boundary areas of municipal governments where an absence of support leads confused and disorganized residents to flee to other cities or villages, a scenario that leads to further disarray and muddles efficient handling of the crisis.

Recognizing that multiple data flows are a key factor in successfully managing disaster response and recovery processes, internationl trends are turning towards resilient ICT based applications to address these constraints.
In Japan earthquakes are a tangible pressing matter and much attention is being given to the Japan Revival Strategy, a cabinet decision made in December, 2011, that states “disaster‐resistant ICT infrastructure and local ‘cloud’ services should be introduced to promote safety and computerization, as well as achieving operational efficiency in the local government and the medical and education fields”.

To be sure, a recent National Academies of Science policy paper on the “Communities after Disasters: Strategies, Opportunities, and Planning for Recovery” confirmed that successful recovery depends on “vertical integration and cross-sector coordination, collaboration, and communication facilitated by technology and ongoing interagency relationships”.
Quick recovery from a major emergency, therefore, is a synergetic process, effectively utilizing available cross-sector collaborations to build on pre-determined strategic planning processes.

Research Proposal

■BOSS: BOSai System, Disaster Operation Support System
■COCOA: Evacuation Information Sharing System

The study proposes to define the standard processes for a total disaster response management system that applies ICT based collection and simulation technologies to furnish crisis managers with optimal solutions for various post disaster scenarios. Taking advantage of emerging synergy between the research partners, the study intends to further develop an existing prototype that provides disaster managers and victims access to reliable multilateral information. “BOSS”, standing for “Business Operation Support System”, is a WEB system application for total disaster response management that is designed to perform as a navigation system for large-scale emergencies.

BOSS is written in PHP, a web scripting language that applies the MySql relational database management system to calculate, categorize and distribute individualized interactive information units that seamlessly integrate and interface with pre-existing hardware such as smartphones and tablets/i-pads. The application analyzes and evaluates past and present damage conditions with preset management procedures to provide
(1) designed responses to national, regional and local leadership and
(2) vital and trustworthy information to displaced survivors.

Developed by Muneyoshi Numada and a team of researchers, BOSS, is meant to increase the capacity of disaster response by providing a unified platform for disaster management that can support small and medium sized local government leadership.
BOSS uses a three tiered application. “Input”, natural hazards or industrial accidents, are evaluated vis-a-vis the damage they inflict to a given “System”, predetermined engineering, social and economic organizational components. The output comes as an appropriate “Response” which is intended for government or company leadership and/or individual recipients.

Filling the gap between pre-established demographic data and resources availability and on-site post disaster realities, BOSS provides particularized procedural recommendations for human and physical resource allocation including estimate time-driven workload allocations.
Applying four integrated variables, Hazard/Damage/Response/Impact, BOSS can map out multi-layered simulated options and offer effective disaster responses that are based on an analytical triad of
(1) past disaster experience,
(2) the current conditions in the field
(3) prefigured disaster management protocols.

BOSS conducts on-site damage evaluations by applying collected data to 500 pre-set disaster processes in 47 categories to define content specific responses. The system can act as a single-source information hub to provide municipalities with coordinated responses while also enabling a vertical format for information exchange between municipal, prefectural and central government disaster managers. Knowledge accumulated from these exchanges is fed back into the system to create a continuously updating version.



Member list
Muneyoshi Numada, 沼田 宗純 PhD. (Engineering), Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Sumiyo Okawa, 大川 純世 Research Secretary
Kazuo Kondo, 近藤 一夫 Research Secretary
Chaitanya Krishna Post Doctor, Numerical simulation of building
Mehrrdad Sadeghzadeh Post Doctor, Base isolation system of buildings
Yurie Oyama, 小山ゆりえ M2 student, Civil Enginnering of the University of Tokyo
Shakhawat Hossain M2 student, Civil Enginnering of the University of Tokyo
Takanori Kato, 加藤孝典 M1 student, Civil Enginnering of the University of Tokyo


Be504, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 153-8505

Tel: +81-3-5452-6445
Fax: +81-3-5452-6438
E-mail: numa at iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
※at: @
東京大学生産技術研究所 Be504
〒153-8505 東京都目黒区駒場4-6-1
東京大学生産技術研究所 Be504
Tel: 03-5452-6445
Fax: 03-5452-6438

BOSS: Development of disaster response support system (災害対応支援システムの開発)

COCOA: Evacuation infromation sharing system (避難所情報共有システム)



共同研究 東京地下鉄









伊藤寛倫,小長井一男,沼田宗純,山口直也,寒川旭:古墳に残された地震地すべり痕跡の工学的調査,土木学会地震工学論文集,27巻,pp.1-6, 2003.

佐藤声喜,鈴木悟史,沼田宗純:製品設計領域における3Dナレッジ設計システム,日本機械学會論文集C編, 74(745), pp.2107-2113, 2008.

佐藤声喜,岡村知暁,沼田宗純:生産技術の論理解析による製品設計,金型設計の同期化システム,日本機械学會論文集C編,74(747), pp.2619-2625, 2008.

佐藤声喜,沼田宗純,森本太郎:開発設計から金型設計・製造までの3次元設計,日本機械学會論文集C編, 74(748), pp. 2837-2844, 2008.

沼田宗純・秦康範・大原美保・目黒公郎:広域災害医療情報を共有するためのITトリアージシステム(TRACY)の開発,土木学会論文集F5(土木技術者実践),Vol.67,No. 1,pp.67-77,2011.


沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:静岡県立総合病院を中心とした広域的災害医療情報の収集と共有に向けたトリアージ訓練の実施,地域安全学会論文集, No.15,pp. 373-383,2011.11.

Muneyoshi Numada, Shinya Kondo, Masashi Inoue, Kimiro Meguro: Analysis of Description of Local Disaster Management Plan for Smooth and Effective Wide-Area Support System During Large-Scale Disaster, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.7, No.2, pp.147-159, 2012.

國分瑛梨子・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:2011年東日本大震災直後において「集中的にテレビ報道された市町村」の基礎的分析,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), Vol.68, No.4, pp.1015-1022, 2012.

早乙女愛・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:2011年東日本大震災における緊急支援物資の数量推移に関する研究-仙台市の救援物資を事例として-,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), Vol.68, No.4, pp.969-975, 2012.

Kimiro MEGURO, Rajendra SOTI, Sathiparan NAVARATNARAJ, Muneyoshi NUMADA: Dynamic Testing of Masonary Houses Retrofitted by Bamboo Band Meshes, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)), Vol. 68 (2012) No. 4, pp.760-765.

大原 美保, 近藤 伸也, 沼田 宗純, 目黒 公郎:東日本大震災後における関連学会の活動状況の俯瞰,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol. 68, No. 4,pp.995-1005,2012.

井原 毅・藤生慎・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:東北地方太平洋沖地震における三陸地方の高地移転地域の調査報告,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol. 68,No. 4,pp.1239-1249, 2012.

藤生 慎, 沼田 宗純, 大原 美保, 目黒 公郎:効率的な建物被害認定のための被害写真管理手法の開発‐東日本大震災後の宮城県仙台市宮城野区での実装に基づく考察‐,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol. 68,No. 4,pp.1006-1014, 2012.

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Yasunori HADA, Miho OHARA, and Kimiro MEGURO: Development of IT Triage System (TRACY) to Share Regional Disaster Medical Information, Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ISSN 1934-7359, USA, Volume 6, No. 8 (Serial No. 57), pp. 985-996, Aug. 2012.

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Concentration of TV news coverage to the specific municipalities - Case study on the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake -, Advanced in Civil Engineering and Building Materials, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-64342-9, pp.15-19, 2012.

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Numerical Simulation of In Plane Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Polypropylene Composite Retrofitted Masonry Wallet Using 3‐D Applied Element Method, Advanced in Civil Engineering and Building Materials, Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-64342-9, pp.817-822, 2012.

藤生慎,沼田宗純,大原美保,目黒公郎:東日本大震災における建物被害認定調査の実態に関する分析,社会技術論文集, Vol.10, 2013.

松下 朋子, 沼田 宗純, 目黒 公郎:東日本大震災における応急仮設住宅供給への地域事業者参画の検証~被災者への効果的な住宅供給システムの確立を目指して~,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol. 69, No. 4,pp.1060-1066,2013.

沼田宗純, 目黒公郎:ランニングスペクトル解析による災害状況進展過程の可視化システムの開発-福島民報を事例にした基礎的検討- ,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol. 69,No. 4,pp.852-860,2013.

Saleem M. UMAIR, Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Optimum Quantity of Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Cost Effective Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Structures, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. A1 (Structural Engineering & Earthquake Engineering (SE/EE)) , Vol. 69, No. 4, pp.630-641, 2013.

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Impact Analysis of the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accidents by Running Spectrum Analysis on Newspaper, Journal of Geological Resource and Engineering (ISSN 2328-2193), David Publishing Company, pp1-10, 2013.

沼田宗純, 目黒公郎:効果的な防災投資体制を実現するための防災関連事業費の分析~福島県矢吹町における事例から~,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学), Vol.70, No.4, 10pages,2014.

村上友基・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:2次元拡張個別要素法による石垣構造物の地震動応答解析,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol.70, No.4,6pages, 2014.

Adnan Mahmood DAR, Saleem M.UMAIR, Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO :Reduction of PP-band Mesh Connectivity for Masonry Structure Retrofitting,土木学会論文集A1(構造・地震工学),Vol.70, No.4, 10pages, 2014.

Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro Meguro: Macro Analysis of Initial Responses from Yabuki Municipal Government After the 2011Tohoku Earthquake, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.9, No.2, pp.149-160, 2014.


M. Numada and K. Konagai: Landslide movement and deformation for different length and width of landslide mass, Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, CD-ROM (8pages), 2009. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi Numada and Kazuo Konagai, The study of relationship between landslide geometry and run-out distance of landslide mass, Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering & 5th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 3-5 March 2010, Tokyo, Japan. CD-ROM(5pages)(アブストラクト査読有り)

M. Numada, K. Ohta, A. Kobayashi, T. Komatsu and K. Meguro: Development of simple system for measuring vibration by iPhone and iPad and it’s evaluation by shaking table, Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, CD-ROM, 9pages, 2010. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Yasunori HADA, Miho OHARA, and Kimiro MEGURO: Development of it triage system (TRACY) to share regional disaster medical information, 8th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, March 7th and 8th, 2011(アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro MEGURO, Shunichi KOSHIMURA, Muneyoshi NUMADA: Simple and Inexpensive Tsunami Disaster Mitigation System for Indian Ocean Rim Regions by Combining Multi-purpose Ocean Observation Buoys and Properly Arranged Evacuation Centers using Religious Facilities, Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, Thailand, October 13th, 2011. USB (8pages) (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Yasunori HADA, Miho OHARA, and Kimiro MEGURO: Development and Application of triage system (TRACY), Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 13th, 2011. USB (12pages) (アブストラクト査読有り)

Rajendra Soti, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro MEGURO: Dynamic Testing of Masonry House Models Retrofitted by Bamboo Band Meshes, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Summer Symposium, pp.75-78, 26 August, 2011, Uji, Kyoto, Japan.(アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Yasunori HADA, Miho OHARA, and Kimiro MEGURO: Application of Triage System (Tracy) to the Drill of the Yamanashi University Hospital, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Summer Symposium, pp.301-304, 26 August, 2011, Uji, Kyoto, Japan. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro MEGURO, Rajendra SOTI, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Muneyoshi NUMADA: Innovative retrofitting method for masonry structures by bamboo-band, 9th CUEE and 4th ACEE Joint Conference, 5pages, March 6-8, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Analysis of the concentration of TV news coverage to the specific municipalities on the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 2166, e-poster, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kazuo KONAGAI: Numerical study of relationship between landslide geometry and run-out distance of landslide mass, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 2172, e-poster, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Yasunori HADA, Miho OHARA, Kimiro MEGURO: Development and Application of IT Triage System (TRACY) for Sharing Disaster Medical Information During Large-Scale Disasters, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 1048, Oral, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi Numada, Kimiro Meguro: In plane behavior of polypropylene and FRP composite retrofitted brick masonry wallets under diagonal compression test, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 500, e.poster, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro MEGURO, Shunichi KOSHIMURA, Muneyoshi NUMADA: New Tsunami Disaster Mitigation System considering Local Conditions of Indian Ocean Rim Regions, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 3986, poster, 2012.(アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro Meguro, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Kotaro Sakurai, Muneyoshi Numada: Shaking Table Tests on 1/4 Scaled Shapeless Stone Masonry Houses with and without Retrofit by Polypropylene Band Meshes, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 2193, e.poster, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro MEGURO, Naoki SORIMACHI, Muneyoshi NUMADA: Development of Promotion Systems for PP-Band Retrofitting of Non-Engineered Masonry Houses, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 2188, e.poster, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro Meguro, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Kotaro Sakurai, Muneyoshi Numada: Dynamic Behavior of Masonry Houses Retrofitted by Bamboo Band Meshes, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 2182, Oral, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Kimiro Meguro, Sathiparan Navaratnaraj, Kotaro Sakurai, Muneyoshi Numada: Shaking Table Test of Two-Story Masonry House Model Retrofitted by PP-band Mesh, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15th WCEE), Paper No. 2179, e.poster, 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Running spectrum analysis of text data for the era of spreading huge disaster information, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, pp.159-168 2012.11. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Tomoko MATSUSHITA, Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Study on post-disaster housing: analysis of local builder’s participation, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, pp. 291-294 2012.11. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Saleem M. UMAIR, Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Modification of 3D-applied element method for numerical simulation of out of plane behavior of polypropylene and fiber reinforced polymer composite retrofitted masonry wall systems, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering, pp.507-516, 2012.11. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: News Coverage Concentration on Specific Municipalities: Analysis of TV Report Contents at 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 8 pages, Session 5, Paper No. 4, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Oct. 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro Meguro: Development of Advanced Composite Material for Seismic Safety of Non-retrofitted Masonry Housing Schemes in Urban and Rural Areas of Developing Countries, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 11 pages, Session 3, Paper No. 1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Oct. 2012. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Impact analysis of the Great East Japan Earthquake by running spectrum analysis of the newspaper Authors, Paper ID : 20-173, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10th CUEE Conference), pp.203-210, 2013. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro Meguro: Stress Strain Characteristics of Polypropylene band (PP-band) and Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite Retrofitted Masonry Wall Systems, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering (10th CUEE Conference), pp.225-230, 2013. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Analysis of Disaster Process by Running Spectrum Approach - Case study of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake -, International conference of SE-EEE (50 years Skopje earthquake, 50 years European earthquake engineering), Paper No. 475, 10 pages, May 29, 2013, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Saleem M. Umair, Masayuki WATANABE, Masato KURODA and Kimiro MEGURO: Field Application of Polypropylene (PP-band) Retrofitting Method for Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Structures, International conference of SE-EEE (50 years Skopje earthquake, 50 years European earthquake engineering), Paper No. 589, 7 pages, May 29, 2013, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Analysis of initial disaster responses for disaster management stakeholders in emergency and recovery phase for sustainable disaster management system, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 9 pages, Session 5-E2, Paper No. 3, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 10, 2013. (アブストラクト査読有り)

Adnan Mahmood DAR, Saleem M. UMAIR, Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Optimization of PP-band Mesh Connectivity for Cost and Time Effectiveness in Seismic Retrofitting of Masonry Structures, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on New Technologies for Urban Safety of Mega Cities in Asia, 11 pages, Session 7-G1, Paper No. 7, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 10, 2013. (アブストラクト査読有り)

M. Numada and K. Konagai: Key parameters controlling movements and deformations of landslide masses in earthquakes, 13th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, GO18-Sat-AM-13, pp. 3016-3023, 2010.

Muneyoshi NUMADA, Yasunori HADA, Miho OHARA, Kimiro MEGURO: Proposal of triage system “TRACY” for sharing disaster medical information during large-scale disasters, Institute of Social Safety Science, Japan, The Great East Japan Earthquake Workshop Series 2012 in Iwaki, The 1st Asian Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Paper No.2-1, 2012.8.3.

Tomoko MATSUSHITA, Muneyoshi NUMADA, Kimiro MEGURO: Positive Efforts in Providing Post-Disaster Housing after the 2011 Great East Japan (Tohoku) Earthquake and Remaining Issues for Future Disasters, Institute of Social Safety Science, Japan, The Great East Japan Earthquake Workshop Series 2012 in Iwaki, The 1st Asian Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Paper No.3-2, 2012.8.3.

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Analysis of Disaster Process by Running Spectrum Approach of Keywords - Case study of Fukushima minpo -, International Workshop of Special Project for Reducing Vulnerability for Urban Mega Earthquake Disasters, Poster presentation, Proceedings p.47, Matsushima-city, 2012.10.30.

Muneyoshi Numada: Case Studies of Decision-making and response strategies of Central and Local governments, International Conference on “Building Disaster Resilient Societies: Lessons from Japan, 22-23 February, 2013, New Delhi



沼田宗純,小長井一男:Lagrangian Particle Finite Difference Methodによる斜面崩壊シミュレーション,土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集第3部,Vol.57,pp.827-828,2002年


福永勇介,小長井一男,Johansso  Jorgen,沼田宗純:実例及びシミュレーションを基にした地滑りを支配する主要パラメータの抽出 ,土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集,Vol.62,pp.3-10,2007年

沼田宗純,小長井一男:斜面災害軽減に向けた崩壊土塊の変形と運動を支配する要因の研究,第13回日本地震工学シンポジウム,13pages, 2010.

沼田宗純,大原美保,目黒公郎,秦康範:ITトリアージシステムを用いた山梨大学医学部付属病院におけるトリアージ訓練の報告, 第29回日本自然災害学会学術講演会概要集,pp.197-198,2010.







近藤伸也・沼田宗純・秦 康範・野田五十樹・末冨岩雄・井上雅志・目黒公郎:地方自治体の物資搬送業務の計画と対応の実態 pp.244-255,第8回 日本地震工学会 大会,pp. 256-257,東京・国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター,2011年11月10日発表.

沼田宗純・國分瑛梨子・坂口理紗・目黒公郎:2011年東日本大震災直後のテレビ報道と被害の関係,第8回 日本地震工学会 大会,pp. 256-257,東京・国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター,2011年11月12日発表

目黒公郎,櫻井光太郎,Navaratnarajha Sathiparan,沼田宗純:PP-band工法による不整形石積み組積造の耐震化に関する実験的研究,平成23年度土木学会年次学術講演会,CD-ROM,1-444,2011年9月9日発表,愛媛県松山市




石川哲也・沼田宗純・川崎昭如・目黒公郎:山陰地方豪雪災害時のTwitterユーザによる情報発信行動の分析,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号4-186,2011年11月18日発表

國分瑛梨子・坂口理紗・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:2011年東日本大震災におけるテレビ局の報道内容の比較-「効果的な災害対応に貢献する報道モデル」の構築のために-,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号4-185,2011年11月18日発表

大原美保・近藤伸也・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:東日本大震災後における関連学会の活動状況の俯瞰,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号4-060,2011年11月18日発表

沼田宗純・國分瑛梨子・目黒公郎:東日本大震災におけるNHK総合で取り上げられたキーワードの時系列分析,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号4-198,2011年11月18日発表

居山拓矢・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震による東大生研での地震観測記録と緊急地震速報の活用状況,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号1-179,2011年11月17日発表

井原毅・藤生慎・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:東北地方太平洋沖地震における三陸地方の高地移転地域の調査報告,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号6-160,2011年11月17日発表

藤生 慎・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:効率的な建物被害認定のための 被害写真管理手法の開発 ‐東日本大震災後の宮城県仙台市宮城野区での実装に基づく考察‐,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号4-119,2011年11月18日発表

Kimiro MEGURO, Rajendra SOTI, Sathiparan NAVARATNARAJ, Muneyoshi NUMADA: DYNAMIC TESTING OF MASONARY HOUSES RETROFITTED BY BAMBOO BAND MESHES, 土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会, No.3-187, 2011年11月19日発表

櫻井俊彰・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:PP-band工法による組積壁の耐震補強効果に関する応用要素解析,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号3-159,11月19日発表

早乙女愛・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:2011年東日本大震災における緊急支援物資の数量推移に関する研究-仙台市の救援物資を事例として-,土木学会 第31回地震工学研究発表会,発表番号4-188,2011年11月18日発表





沼田宗純・目黒・公郎:東日本大震災後のゴールデンタイムのテレビ報道の分析,自然災害学会,第31回自然災害学会学術講演会,講演概要集,p.83-84, 2012年9月18日発表,弘前大学

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro Meguro: Seismic Retrofitting of Unreinforced Masonry Structures using High Performance and Low Cost Composite Material, 自然災害学会,第31回自然災害学会学術講演会,講演概要集,p.167-168, 2012年9月18日発表,弘前大学

沼田宗純・目黒公郎:災害報道の時系列的変化を把握するためのランニングスペクトル解析手法の開発,日本災害情報学会 第14回研究発表大会(Proceedings of the 14th Conference

沼田宗純・原綾香・目黒 公郎:被害想定と防災基本計画を全体フレームワークに用いた東日本大震災のマクロ的把握~NHK総合を事例として~,日本災害情報学会 第14回研究発表大会(Proceedings of the 14th Conference

野田哲司・藤生慎・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:東日本大震災における自治体間の人的支援の実態分析,第32回土木学会地震工学研究発表会,6-235,東京大学,2012. 2012年10月26日発表

東郷夏菜子・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:災害イマジネーション向上のためのワークショップの実践とイマジネーション支援システムの試作,第32回土木学会地震工学研究発表会,4-316,東京大学,2012. 2012年10月27日発表

松下朋子・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:被災者への住宅供給システムについての考察 ~東日本大震災の事例より~,第32回土木学会地震工学研究発表会,4-237,東京大学,2012. 2012年10月27日発表

陳勲・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:東日本大震災における電力復旧優先順位に向けた検討,第32回土木学会地震工学研究発表会,4-323,東京大学,2012. 2012年10月27日発表

沼田宗純・目黒公郎:災害対策フェーズを用いた災害対策状況の可視化手法の提案 ~災害報道を利用したモニタリングを事例として~,第32回土木学会地震工学研究発表会,4-325,東京大学,2012. 2012年10月27日発表

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro Meguro: Experimental Study to Determine the Optimum Quantity and Placement of Fiber Reinforced Polymers using Diagonal Compression Test on Scaled Masonry Wallets for Cost Effective Seismic Retrofitting, 32nd Earthquake engineering committee, JSCE, 3-295, University of Tokyo, 2012.10.25

沼田宗純・目黒公郎:福島県矢吹町の地域防災計画の見直しに向けた課題の整理,第32 回(2013 年度)地域安全学会研究発表会(春季)便概集,No.32, pp.63-66,2013.発表番号B-6 ,2013年5月17日発表,秋田県男鹿市



藤生慎・高田和幸・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:東北地方太平洋沖地震時の帰宅困難者の移動特性に関する一考察 -GPSデータを用いた検討-,第47回土木計画学研究発表会(春大会),土木計画学研究・講演集Vol.47,7b-340,2013年6月2日発表,広島工業大学



沼田宗純・目黒公郎:地域防災計画の見直しに向けた東日本大震災における福島県矢吹町における課題の整理,日本地震工学会第10回年次大会 梗概集 pp.409-410,2013年11月11日発表

Saleem Muhammad Umair, Muneyoshi Numada and Kimiro Meguro: Evaluation of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Retrofitted House Model under Shake Table Testing, 3-526, 土木学会第33回地震工学研究発表会, 5pages, 2013年10月24日,東京大学

Adnan Mahmood DAR, Saleem M. UMAIR, Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kimiro MEGURO: Reduction of PP-band Mesh Connectivity for Masonry Structure Retrofitting, 3-525, 土木学会第33回地震工学研究発表会, 6pages, 2013年10月24日,東京大学

村上友基・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:2次元拡張個別要素法による石垣構造物の地震動応答解析,1-486, 土木学会第33回地震工学研究発表会, 5pages, 2013年10月25日,東京大学

佐々木奈央・沼田宗純・目黒公郎:要援護者支援に着目した地域の防災能力の評価手法に関する研究,4-543, 土木学会第33回地震工学研究発表会, 4pages, 2013年10月25日,東京大学

沼田宗純・目黒公郎:効果的な防災投資体制を目指した福島県矢吹町における防災関連事業費の分析,4-534,土木学会第33回地震工学研究発表会, 9pages, 2013年10月24日,東京大学


Koichi Kusunoki, Akira Tasai, Yo Hibino, Hidekazu Watanabe, Muneyoshi Numada, Mucip Tapan, Alper Ilki: Quick Report of 2011 Van Earthquake, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Engineering Lessons Learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, pp.1950-1961, 2012.3

Koichi Kusunoki, Yo Hibino, Hidekazu Watanabe, Akira Tasai, Muneyoshi Numada, Mucip Tapan, Alper Ilki: Outline of field investigation for 2011 Van Earthquakes, 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, 2013.

Yo Hibino, Hidekazu Watanabe, Koichi Kusunoki, Akira Tasai, Muneyoshi Numada, Mucip Tapan, Alper Ilki: Seismic performance of damaged RC buildings in 2011 Van Earthquakes, 2013 International Van Earthquake Symposium, 2013.


沼田宗純, 小長井一男 :地震による斜面崩壊到達距離推定のための擬似三次元ラグランジアン粒子有限差分法,生産研究, Vol. 54,pp.368-371,2002.

阿部慶太, 沼田宗純, 小長井一男:高速土砂流動の数値解析の一手法と課題,生産研究, Vol. 56,pp.487-491,2004.

沼田宗純,野村浩司,大原美保,目黒公郎,鷹野澄:2009年8月11日の駿河湾を震源とする地震による生研の観測記録,生産研究,Vol. 61,pp.1042-1046,2009.

M. Numada and K. Konagai: Proposal of evaluation approach of slide surface friction coefficient of landslide that uses buckling theory, SEISANKENKYU, Vol. 61, pp.1021-1024, 2009.

Muneyoshi NUMADA and Kazuo KONAGAI: The research on the movement and deformation of landslide mass, SEISANKENKYU, Vol. 61, pp.1017-1020, 2009.

井原毅,沼田宗純,目黒公郎:列車衝突時における乗客の挙動と危険度評価に関する研究,生産研究,Vol.62, No.4 , pp.367-370, 2010.

高石孟,沼田宗純,目黒公郎:平塚沖で観測された2010年チリ地震による津波について,生産研究,Vol.62, No.4 , pp.363-366, 2010.

高石孟,沼田宗純,高島正典,目黒公郎:多目的海洋観測ブイを用いた津波警報システムのための音響測深の検証,生産研究,Vol.62, No.4 , pp.359-362, 2010.

齋藤勝久,沼田宗純,目黒公郎:安全・安心メールの自動分類と警察統計との比較による対策利用価値の考察,生産研究,Vol.62, No.4 pp. 393-397, 2010.

沼田宗純,廣田るり子,齋藤勝久,目黒公郎:子供の防犯のための地域活動を支援する防犯特性分析システムの開発,生産研究,Vol.62, No.4 , pp.387-391, 2010.

沼田宗純,秦康範,大原美保,目黒公郎:Felicaを用いたトリアージシステムの開発と山梨大学医学部附属病院における検証,生産研究,Vol.62, No.6 ,pp.643-652, 2010.

沼田宗純,太田賢治,小林明夫,小松高廣,目黒公郎:小型振動台によるSmart Phone 内蔵加速度センサの評価試験,生産研究,Vol.62, No.6 , pp.637-642, 2010.

沼田 宗純, 大原 美保, 目黒 公郎:静岡県立総合病院におけるトリアージ訓練から得られたトリアージシステム「TRACY」の成果と課題,生産研究, Vol. 63, No.4, pp.481-484, 2011.

沼田 宗純, 大原 美保, 目黒 公郎:「TRACY」を用いた被災現場, 応急救護所, 病院, ヘリポートにおけるトリアージ情報の広域的共有の取組み,生産研究, Vol. 63, No.4, pp.471-479, 2011.

小林 明夫, 沼田 宗純, 目黒 公郎:平時から災害時まで利用可能な高齢者の生活習慣の遠隔見守り支援システムの研究,生産研究, Vol. 63, No.4, pp.465-470, 2011.

沼田宗純・高石孟・目黒公郎:多目的観測ブイで観測された2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震による津波,生産研究, Vol. 63,No.4,pp.521-524,2011.


居山拓矢・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震による生研の観測記録,生産研究, Vol. 63, No.4, pp.511-515,2011.


沼田宗純・藤生慎・井原毅・大原美保・目黒公郎:2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震における津波被災地域の調査速報,生産研究,Vol. 63,No. 4,pp.525-533,2011.

藤生慎・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎:地震被害による建物被害認定の作業効率化手法に関する提案と実践,生産研究, Vol. 63,No.4,pp.541-546,2011.

藤生慎・下野大樹・牧之段浩平・井原毅・沼田宗純・大原美保・目黒公郎・高田和幸・岩倉成志・兵藤哲朗:2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震における三陸鉄道の被害調査速報,生産研究,Vol. 63,No. 4,pp.535-540,2011.

沼田宗純・近藤伸也・井上雅志・目黒公郎:広域的応援体制確立のための地域防災計画の比較分析,生産研究,Vol.63, No. 6, pp.755-763, 2011.

高野 佑, 沼田宗純, 目黒公郎:応急仮設住宅供給業務へのプロジェクトマネジメント手法適用の検討,生産研究,Vol. 64,No. 6, pp.907-910,2012.

沼田宗純, 目黒公郎:渋谷区立松濤中学校における災害イマジネーション力の向上ワークショップ,生産研究,Vol. 64,No. 6, 2012.

沼田 宗純, 佐藤 唯行, 目黒 公郎:防災ビジネスの創造と育成のためのDisaster Profilingに関する研究,生産研究,Vol. 64, No. 6,pp.897-905,pp.885-896,2012.

沼田宗純, 目黒公郎:テキストデータのランニングスペクトル解析による福島民報の分析,生産研究,Vol. 64,No. 6,pp.927-934,2012.

藤生 慎, 沼田 宗純, 大原 美保, 目黒 公郎:東日本大震災における自治体の建物被害認定調査の実施状況に関する考察,生産研究,Vol. 64,No. 4,pp.433-437,2012.

澤田 義人, 遠藤 貴宏, 沼田 宗純, 目黒 公郎, 沢田 治雄:2011年山陰豪雪に関連するTwitterメッセージ解析法の開発,生産研究,Vol. 64, No. 4, pp.467-473, 2012.

澤田 義人, 遠藤 貴宏, 沼田 宗純, 目黒 公郎, 沢田 治雄:災害に関連したテキストデータの可視化手法の開発, 生産研究, Vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 475-482, 2012.

大原美保, 近藤伸也, 沼田宗純, 目黒公郎:東日本大震災後における関連学会の活動に関する分析,生産研究,Vol. 63,No. 6, pp.739-747,2011.

目黒公郎, 大原美保, 沼田宗純, 近藤伸也:3.11net東京(東日本大震災復興支援研究者ネットワーク)の活動報告 その1,生産研究,Vol. 63,No. 6,pp.735-737,2011.


沼田宗純・目黒公郎:効果的な防災戦略を立案するための「防災戦略立案システム」の構築に向けた防災関連事業費の分配状況の分析 ~福島県矢吹町を事例として~,生産研究,Vol.65,No.4,pp.407-415,2013.




沼田宗純・目黒公郎:東日本大震災におけるTwitter・地方新聞・全国新聞・テレビ報道のキーワード分析による基礎的な比較 -気仙沼市を事例として- ,生産研究,Vol.65,No.4,pp.379-385,2013.




沼田宗純・渡辺正幸・黒田正人・目黒公郎:PPバンドメッシュを用いた組積造構造物の耐震補強の実践 ~インドネシアの孤児院におけるPPバンドメッシュ工法の適用~,生産研究,Vol.65,No.4,pp.441-446,2013.




・松涛中学校 防災研修会,2011年7月27日,2012年8月24日,2013年11月9日
・自由が丘商店街 防災研修会,2011年9月13日
・日本保育サービス 防災ワークショップ運営,2012年9月27日,2012年11月27日,2013年7月2日 
・東十条小学校 防災講義,2012年12月13日,2012年12月20日
・松川中学校 防災講義,2013年1月21日
・東越小学校 防災講義,2013年 8月6日
・目黒区 防災ワークショップ運営,2013年6月22日
・関東地区私立小学校家庭科部会研修会 防災講義,2013年11月16日
・矢吹町教育委員会 防災講義,2013年12月18日
・栗山小学校 防災講義,2014年2月10日
・森村学園 防災講義,2014年3月19日
・文部科学省 平成26年度健康教育行政担当者連絡協議会 講師,2014年5月30日


・金融総合専門紙「ニッキン」(日本金融通信社) 2012年9月12日
・Muneyoshi Numada: Case Studies of Decision-making and response strategies of Central and Local governments, International Conference on “Building Disaster Resilient Societies: Lessons from Japan, 22-23 February, 2013, New Delhi
・平成25年度 下水道事業災害時中部ブロック連絡会議,講演,2013年8月27日


・2013年2月14日,FM放送「サロン・ド・防災」 震災に備えて ~情報の重要性~
・2013年3月10日,河北新報,30面,東日本大震災2年 特集,報道減少 風化の懸念
・2013年12月19日,NHK福島 福島県内ニュース,矢吹町の中学校で防災教育
・2013年12月19日,福島民放,3面,矢吹中 大地震,安全な避難法は ~県内初のシミュレーション~ 
・2013年12月20日,福島民友,13面,災害時の対応考える 矢吹中 シミュレーション授業
・2014年1月17日,NHKスペシャル,阪神・淡路大震災19年 救助が来ない 巨大地震 その時あなたは